Albertinia Meubelvervoer “Sê net waar, ons vat jou daar.”
Such is the philosophy behind a highly successful furniture removal company based in Albertinia just off the N2 highway in the Garden Route. A business built up over 32 years offering countrywide furniture removals and storage facilities whose services are in great demand for those wishing to relocate to this beautiful more tranquil region.
Albertinia Meubelvervoer; Philosophically speaking is this furniture removal company not just a highly successful business, situated in Albertinia next to the N2 highway on the garden route, but they also strive to keep their clients happy. Albertinia Meubelvervoer realises that moving is a highly stressful event and therefore attempts to make the whole experience as easy as possible with their reliable well spoken, trained drivers and packers from their local country area. This business has been in operation since 1986, where services delivery is still held in high regard.
They even give the client a option between doing the packing or having the packing done for the client. Packing entails the packing of the clients clothes, breakables, paintings, glassware, and other small items into a wardrobe boxes. Any furniture can be wrapped in plastic on request without any charge as part of their quality services.
You should certainly contact them for a quotation, by downloading the form located in the ‘Services News’ box. Complete and send back the form and you will be pleasantly surprised.
‘We look forward to making you move a stressless event.’
Albertinia Meubelvervoer; Filosofies gesproke is hierdie meubel vervoer maatskappy nie net ‘n hoogs suksesvolle besigheid wat geleë is in Albertinia langs die N2 hoofweg in die tuin roete nie, maar hulle strewe daarna om hulle kliënte tevrede te hou. Albertinia Meubelvervoer besef dat verhuising ‘n baie stresvolle gebeurtenis is daarom probeer hulle dit so gemaklik as moontlik maak met hulle hoogs betroubare Afrikaans spreekende, opgeleide bestuuders en pakkers van hulle plattelandse omgewing. Hierdie besigheid is in bedryf sedert 1986 waar diens lewering nog hoog opprys gestel word.
Hulle stel selfs die klient ‘n keuse om self te pak of hulle kan die verpakking namens die klient doen. Verpakking behels inpak van die klient se klere, breekgoed, skulderye, glasware, banke ens in ‘n hangkas boks. Enige banke word op aanvraag met plastiek verniet oorgetrek as deel van hulle kwaliteit diens.
Kontak hulle gerus vir n kwotasie, deur een van die vorms in die ‘Services News’ boks aftelaai en te voltooi. Stuur dit dan terug aan Albertinia meubelvervoer. Glo my jy sal aangenaam verras word.
‘Ons sien uit om U verhuising ‘n stresslose gebeurtenis te maak.’
- Meubelvervoer
- Furniture removal
- Albertinia Vervoer
- Relocation service
- Storage
- Packaging
- Moving furniture
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Western Cape
South Africa